Tag Archives: email marketing
5 Ways to Advertise Your Business Online

5 Ways to Advertise Your Business Online

There’s no shortage of advertising avenues these days, especially online. As your business grows, it will become even more imperative that you’re spending your ad dollars wisely. While online marketing is arguably the most cost-efficient form of advertising for many businesses, it’s far too easy to blow your budget on poorly targeted ads if you […]

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How To Create An Autoresponder Email Sequence That Converts

An autoresponder series is a great way to deliver relevant content to new subscribers. These series typically include a number of emails that are automatically sent over the course of a few weeks or months. The emails can be sent on pre-determined dates and automating this process helps you save time. You can get good […]

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Thank You pages and Effective Messaging

Thank You pages and Effective Messaging

I am a huge advocate of deliberate, meaningful messaging in marketing. Clarity goes a long way to establish a relationship. Building a relationship with your subscribers is a sequential, progressive process; a process in which each of you must make and keep certain commitments. Why it’s important to make and keep commitments The point is […]

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How to Structure an Email Optin Process

How to Structure an Email Optin Process

I’ve recently had a lot of people ask me about thank you pages as part of their optin sequence. In the process of articulating the importance of using Thank You pages, I thought it would be important to review the entire optin process to give some context to Thank You pages. When you design your […]

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Spend $2000 on Kindle Books

Over the years I’ve ended up following a lot of different internet marketing “experts”. In many cases I’ve learned a lot just by watching the way they launch their products. In a few cases I have gone so far as to purchase some of their products. Overall my success and platform for growth have improved. […]

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Email list segmentation

Email list segmentation

As marketer I’ve grown in my appreciation for the value of segmenting the contacts that are added to my email lists. In fact, just last week I created a very sophisticated email list segmentation framework for Member Master to ensure that my membership websites can accommodate the sales funnel and user customization that I know […]

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iContact, integrated email and survey service

iContact, integrated email and survey service

[UPDATE: read below to get free software] I recently developed a tool to increase the optin rate on my websites (and for my clients). During development I got to work with nearly all of the major email service providers. While many of them are very strong and offer some clever tools to make marketers more […]

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Optincrusher installation and customization webcast

Optincrusher installation and customization webcast

I recently released some software to all my subscribers. It’s an optin footer that greatly increases the optin rate for your website. In order to help people get maximum benefit from the footer, I held a webcast and installed it for a few websites, including customizations to make it fit with the website. The reason […]

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Two level membership website model

Two level membership website model

I occasionally take on new clients that want membership websites setup. Many people want a membership website because of the appeal of continuity income or just as a mechanism to deliver all of their digital content securely. The problem is that few people have a firm grasp on how membership websites work or how they […]

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Aweber the King of Autoresponders

Aweber the King of Autoresponders

I’ve been following some of the self named Guru circle of internet marketers for a couple of years now and I can say that they have a lot figured out.  What genius and execution (more on that another day…).  One thing they seem to agree on are what they consider the leading e-mail providers.  What […]

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