Tag Archives: blog
Optincrusher installation and customization webcast

Optincrusher installation and customization webcast

I recently released some software to all my subscribers. It’s an optin footer that greatly increases the optin rate for your website. In order to help people get maximum benefit from the footer, I held a webcast and installed it for a few websites, including customizations to make it fit with the website. The reason […]

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Why NOT to have an e-commerce website

Why NOT to have an e-commerce website

This post talks specifically to established business owners and aims to explain the principle differences between two types of website. They are e-commerce vs. authority (or identity). The reason I’m writing this is that most established business owners have one thing on their mind: “How can I increase revenue?” How can I increase revenue? Of […]

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What’s your single most important question about ____?

What’s your single most important question about ____?

Last year I attended a two day event in Salt Lake City with Joshua Boswell presenting as part of a Perry Marshall sponsored event.  The first day we covered a lot of general material, but one of the most interesting to me at the time was the method both Joshua and Perry used to survey […]

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Comment Spam vs. Relevance

Comment Spam vs. Relevance

Comments are a really great way to facilitate conversation on a blog. I actually love the comments I get on my sites, when they’re real. The problem is that sometimes it can be difficult to tell when something is worthwhile and when it’s not. The spammers are getting better at making you wonder whether or […]

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